Tips for Optimising Data Models And Queries in MS Dynamics BI

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Microsoft Dynamics Business Intelligence (BI) is a powerful tool for organizations looking to analyze their data and make data-driven decisions. However, to get the most out of Dynamics BI, it is crucial to optimize data models and queries to ensure that analysis is both fast and accurate.

Data Models And Queries in MS Dynamics BI

In this blog post, we’ll explore tips for optimizing data models and queries in Dynamics BI.

We’ll cover some key strategies and techniques to help you improve the performance of your integrated Dynamics solution and make the most of your data.

So, whether you’re new to Dynamics Business Intelligence or an experienced user, read on to learn how you can optimize your data models and queries for better results.

Use Efficient Data Modeling Techniques

When designing your data model, it’s important to use efficient techniques to ensure that queries run quickly and accurately. One of the most effective techniques is denormalization, which involves combining tables to reduce the number of relationships between them.

By reducing the number of joins in your queries, you can speed up the performance of your BI solution. However, be careful not to denormalize too much as it can negatively impact data quality.

In addition, efficient data modeling can improve the accuracy of your analysis by reducing the risk of errors or inconsistencies in your data. By ensuring that your data model is well-organized and follows best practices for database design, you can reduce the likelihood of data quality issues that can affect the accuracy of your analysis.

Optimise your data queries:

To optimize queries in Dynamics BI, it’s important to review the SQL code generated by the software and make changes to improve performance. One of the most effective ways to optimize queries is to avoid using expensive functions like COUNT DISTINCT, which can slow down queries. Instead, use simpler aggregation functions like COUNT, which are faster and more efficient.

Another way to optimize data queries in Dynamics BI is to use indexing. Indexing can improve the performance of queries by allowing them to retrieve data more quickly. For example, you can create indexes on frequently queried columns to improve query performance.

Use Data Compression

Data compression can be a useful technique for optimizing Dynamics BI by reducing the amount of data stored on disk and improving query performance. There are several ways to perform data compression in Dynamics BI, including using columnstore indexes and data compression options in SQL Server.

Columnstore indexes are a feature in SQL Server that can compress data by storing it in a column-wise format instead of a row-wise format. This can help to reduce the amount of disk space required to store data and improve query performance. To use columnstore indexes in Dynamics BI, you can create them on the tables or views that contain the data you want to compress.

In addition to columnstore indexes, you can use the data compression options in SQL Server to further reduce the size of your data. SQL Server offers several compression options, including row compression, page compression, and columnstore compression. These options can help to reduce the size of your data and improve query performance.

Keep your Data Clean and Organised

Keeping data clean and organized is a critical aspect of optimizing Dynamics BI. When data is disorganized or contains errors, it can lead to inaccurate analysis and reporting, which can have serious consequences for decision-making.

To keep your data clean and organized, consider the following best practices:

  • Establish data quality standards: Define data quality standards and establish processes to monitor and enforce them. This can include identifying data sources, data dictionaries, and data governance policies.
  • Implement data cleansing processes: Data cleansing involves identifying and correcting errors or inconsistencies in your data. Implement processes to regularly review and clean your data to ensure that it remains accurate and consistent.
  • Ensure data completeness: Ensure that your data is complete and contains all the necessary information for analysis. This can involve using data validation rules and implementing processes to identify missing data.
  • Use consistent data naming conventions: Use consistent naming conventions for data elements to ensure that they are easily understood and can be correctly identified and used in the analysis.
  • Implement data security measures: Implement data security measures to ensure that your data remains secure and confidential. This can involve implementing access controls, data encryption, and other security measures to protect your data.

Monitor and Tune Performance

Finally, it’s essential to monitor the performance of your Dynamics BI solution regularly and adjust as needed. You can use tools like SQL Server Profiler to monitor query performance and identify areas for improvement.

Apart from using SQL Server Profiler, you can use the following practices to monitor and tune performances in Dynamics Business Intelligence:

  • Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs): Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor the performance of your Dynamics BI solution. This can include metrics such as report generation time, data loading time, and query response time.
  • Analyse query performance: Analyse the performance of your queries to identify areas where optimization is needed. This can involve reviewing query execution plans and using query optimization techniques such as indexing and partitioning.
  • Optimise data caching: Optimise data caching to improve query performance. Caching involves storing frequently accessed data in memory to reduce the time it takes to retrieve it from disk.
  • Monitor hardware performance: Monitor the performance of your hardware, including CPU, memory, and disk usage. Ensure that your hardware is optimized for performance and that it meets the requirements of your Dynamics BI solution.
  • Implement load balancing: Implement load balancing to distribute the workload across multiple servers, improving the performance and scalability of your Dynamics BI solution.


Optimising Dynamics BI is a critical aspect of ensuring that your business intelligence solution remains fast, reliable, and effective.

Remember, optimizing Dynamics BI is an ongoing process, and it requires continuous monitoring, testing, and refinement. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your Dynamics BI solution remains optimized and performs at its best.

At Stallions Solutions we offer Business Intelligence Services to help you with analyzing market trends and consumer behaviors and make informed decisions to help your business flourish.

With the right tools and techniques, you can unlock the full potential of your data and gain valuable insights into your business operations, enabling you to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the competition.

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